The Barrow is now watched over by our herd of Longhorn cattle, who have recently moved back into the neighbouring field. They may be a formidable group, sometimes we almost forget how strong they are, given their loveable looks, until they upturn their large hay rack, or try to headbutt the forklift! Currently 11, but soon to be 14, our neighbours and visitors enjoy seeing them, along with the wildlife, in the field.
It would have been nice to share pictures of a frosty or snowcapped Barrow, but alas we are yet to have a cold snap to kill all the nasty bugs which have spoiled so many Christmases.
Our open days will continue throughout the winter months, and we look forward to welcoming visitors to the open days, or by arrangement at other times.
Richard and Sarah, and their family, would like to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
Apricot, Kiwi, Kumquat & Kirsch keeping watch. . . . . .