Frequently asked questions.

What is the Children’s Funeral Fund ? or Martin’s Fund ?

Bereaved parents will be comforted to know that the Children’s Funeral Fund (CFF), or Martin’s fund as it is also know, have acknowledged that the Modern Round Barrow is an important choice for families who have suffered the loss of a child, and will fund the cost of a niche, niche cover, and urn,* for all deceased children (including babies stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy). The fund can be applied for by the bereaved family, or by us, here at Mid-England Barrow on the family’s behalf. Please contact us for more details.

Sarah, owner of Mid-England Barrow said ‘the Barrow offers a unique place for cremation ashes for everyone, but particularly when children are involved, either because they are the deceased, or if a child has lost someone close to them. The ashes can be visited whenever the family wish, so that they can really feel connected to and close to the life lost.’

Niches can be sealed, or created so that the urn can be seen, touched or removed when the family visit. The Barrow is a very calm, tranquil place, it’s not gloomy or sad, and people come feeling relaxed and at peace in the heart of the English countryside. 

* The fund is not means tested, but requires documentation to be completed in order to apply for the funding. The funding will be paid for children under the age of 18 years.

What can I do with cremation ashes ?

You can place them in our barrow from 1-99 years and visit them when you wish. You can renew the term whenever you want, you can have your pets ashes kept with you.


Why should I purchase a niche now ?

There are only a limited number of niches available, and the level of interest has indicated that these niches will be reserved quickly. When you reserve a niche now for 50 or 99 years, the 50 or 99 years starts when you have placed the first set of ashes in to the niche, therefore securing your place in the barrow.


Can I purchase a niche ahead of time? 

Niches can be purchased at any time. The term for one-year niches starts on the date the agreements are signed, or by arrangement, when the ashes are placed.

When you reserve a niche for 50 or 99 years, the 50 or 99 years starts when you have placed the first set of ashes in to the niche.

If you reserve a niche for 10 or 25 years, the time starts either when the first set of ashes are placed or 3 years from the date at which the niche agreement is signed.

What am I purchasing? 

You are purchasing the use of a niche for specified and agreed period of time. This can be anywhere between 1 and 99 years.


Can other ashes be added at anytime during the period stated in my paperwork? 

A second set of ashes can be added at any time (with prior notice) free of charge. Subsequent additions are charged for at a rate depending upon the length of time of the initial agreement AND as long as there is space in the niche.


What’s included? 

The use of the niche (see above), the use of the safari tent for one event, as many visits to the Barrow as you wish (by prior arrangement to ensure access), and the frame for the niche cover.


What’s not included but is essential? 

Each niche owner will need to purchase a niche cover through Mid-England Barrow (see below).

Families are welcome to purchase their own urn for the ashes. Please discuss size and shape and material with us.


Why does Mid-England Barrow supply the niche cover? 

The niche covers must be exactly the right size to fit the niche frame. The niche cover design and material can be chosen by the niche owner. We also need to ensure that niche covers are in keeping with the barrow, and will not be considered inappropriate or offensive to visitors.


What happens at the end of the agreement? 

There are several options, and is entirely the choice of the individual. The urn can be removed from the Barrow and taken elsewhere, or the lease can be renewed. Alternatively, the urn and ashes can be buried in the woodland leading to the Barrow. When this happens, the burial spot is not physically marked on the surface, however, an identifier is placed with the urn, and the place recorded, so that the place of burial can be identified at any time in the future.


How do I arrange to visit the Barrow? 

You can contact us by email or telephone to arrange to visit the Barrow. We will always do our utmost to accommodate your plans.


Once ashes are placed in the barrow, and you are comfortable with the arrangements for access, you will be able to visit whenever you wish. The only time this may not be possible is if we have a placement ceremony taking place.


How is an urn placed? 

An urn can be placed in a niche during a visit, or an event such as a celebration of life or placement ceremony can be held. 


Do I have to pay to use the safari tent? 

If you are holding an event at Mid-England Barrow which involves provision of food and drinks for over 50 people there will be no charge for the use. On other occasions, a small charge will be made , please contact us for details. Use of the Barrow for the storage of ashes automatically allows the use of the safari tent once free of charge.


Do we have to use the Barrow to use the safari tent?

 You can use the Safari tent without placing ashes in the barrow, as long as all visitors are aware they may visit the barrow whilst here.


How secure is the Barrow? 

The Barrow itself has a keypad operated locked gate. It will be locked at all times other than when people are inside the Barrow.

The main gate at the entrance to the site is operated by a keypad, and remote opening system when the intercom is used. The site is covered by CCTV.


What happens if Mid-England Barrow Ltd is sold or ceases trading? 

The Barrow is unlikely to be sold, however, it would only be sold as a going concern. If the company ceases trading, the business will have all the usual protection afforded to Limited Companies.

Whilst active lease agreements are in place, the barrow cannot leagally be closed, sealed or cease operating. Current lease agreements have different start dates, meaning that it will be extremely unlikely that all leases lapse at the same time. Lease holders are advised to seek legal advice if they have concerns regarding the robustness of their individual lease.


What is direct cremation? 

Direct cremation is where the deceased body is taken directly to the crematorium, where it is cremated without any ceremony or event. It is the cheapest form of cremation (as cremation usually takes place during quieter periods). The ashes are then available for collection, at which time a celebration of life or other event can be held.

Can Human and Animal ashes be Stored Together?

 Yes. We are a nation of pet lovers. Around half of all households in the UK own a pet, and I’m sure a number of those owners consider their pets part of the family, after all, a considerable number of us spend large amounts on treats, holiday accommodation (kennels) and other ‘essential’ items for their animals. It is also becoming more popular for us to want to remain with our pets after death, however, places where this can be done are few and far between.

At Mid-England Barrow all pet ashes are welcome, whether they be accompanied by their loyal human or not. The pet ashes can be contained with the human ashes, or in a separate mini-urn beside.

If your question is not answered above, please contact us and we will be happy to answer it for you.

Willow chamber holds up to 5 urns . . . .

Willow chamber holds up to 5 urns . . . .

Mid-England Barrow - An idyllic rural modern-day Round Barrow for the safe keeping of cremation ashes as well as a Memorial Garden for the burial of ashes and tribute. We also provide a unique countryside Funeral venue.