This is the plan of the barrow, niches are all numbered according to row and column. Willow chamber niches are larger and hold up to 5 urns/sets of ashes, Oak & Yew chamber niches hold up to 4 urns/sets of ashes. When you wish to choose a niche, we will send you a niche plan with the reserved niches marked clearly on it.
Niche Type:
Term: Cost: Extras:
Single: 1 urn/ashes :
1 year - £500 - longer terms available
Standard: Oak or Yew chamber, 1-4 urns/ashes:
10 years - £1500
25 years - £3000
50 years - £4000
99 years - £6000
Large: Willow chamber 1-5 urns/ashes:
25 years - £3500
50 years - £5000
99 years - £8000
When you reserve a niche for either 50 years or 99 years, the 50 or 99 years starts when you have placed the first set of ashes in to the niche.
If you reserve a niche for 10 or 25 years, the time starts either when the first set of ashes are placed or 3 years from the date at which the niche agreement is signed.
All terms can be renewed - speak to us, we’re here to help you pick the right niche for you and your family.
Willow chamber . . . .
Mid-England Barrow - An idyllic rural modern-day Round Barrow for the safe keeping of cremation ashes as well as a Memorial Garden for the burial of ashes and tribute. We also provide a unique countryside Funeral venue.