Mighty oaks from little acorns grow . . .

A well known saying, heard by many of us during our lives, with a number of analogies. 

Having walked close the Barrow recently, I was fondly reminded of this saying, regularly quoted to me by my late Grandmother. One of our little oak trees, planted as part of the woodland surrounding the Barrow, not has only one or two acorns on it, but a total of 13. It doesn’t sound that amazing, until you realize, the tree itself if less than 50cm in height!

Little oak.jpg

 Let’s hope this is a positive sign for the new year, growth, health and prosperity, not only for our little trees, but for everyone who’s struggled through adversity for whatever reason this year. 

A positive ambiance remains at Mid-England Barrow, surrounded by nature: flora and fauna, from our beautiful wild deer in the field, to the abundance of berries on the hedgerows offering a magnificent feast for the wild birds. I can’t wait for spring, when hopefully all of the trees will emerge from the safety of their covers, to give us an indication of what the winding path to the Barrow will look like in years to come. 
