It has been 1 year today since we broke ground on our round barrow build!
Richard , Sarah & Ally 28-2-2019 , at the centre of Mid-England Barrow.
12 months ago, the site was marked out, we dug the first sod of earth, and then proceeded to remove the topsoil in preparation for the stonework to be laid, and the start of the 1st modern round-barrow on the boarders of Warwickshire, Oxfordshire & Northamptonshire began.
It has been an interesting and challenging 12 months. From the initial idea, through planning & design to the start of building took roughly 18 months, followed by 5 months of building. We have now had 7 months of “getting the word out” that the barrow is another choice for those of you who are looking for somewhere to, either place a loved ones ashes for safe keeping, or somewhere you want to have your ashes kept so that they can be visited.
We have attended many events, seen many people and made new friends along the way. The weather, as always, has been challenging , with open days affected due to roads being flooded, or complete downpours, but it wouldn’t be British weather otherwise!